Think about it...
At 5 you start kindergarten
You are a teenager at 13
Get your driver's license at 16
Vote at 18
Woohoo drink legally at 21
Car insurance goes down at 25--unless you are me and crash a lot and get your car stolen a couple of times
It's pretty much down hill from there. No birthday milestones, you just get older and saggier and if you are still single turning 30 is like a scarlet letter. But lots of good stuff happened in my 30's, I got married (whew) and had a baby and kind of came into my own.
When I turned 40 I embraced it. No dreading of birthdays and celebrating with friends. So tomorrow I turn another year older and have 4 days of fun and celebration planned.
Below are some pictures of birthdays past:
My original BIRTH day
First birthday, check out the jazzy high chair
Second Birthday, same jazzy high chair
Third birthday, that is a Lemon Torte from Vollmers, and those are my dad's sideburns.
Another birthday, Raggedy Ann cake (a recurring theme)
Probably a Raggedy Ann cake, check out the pink clogs. My love of clogs exists today.
Another Raggedy Ann cake
Birthday in first grade, Julie Jamison, do you see yourself?
Who remembers birthday parties at McDonalds, dang that was good cake
Hot pink leisure suit! That's Shari Sword for those who went to Central
Another Raggedy Ann cake
Not a Raggedy Ann cake
Thank God someone stopped taking pictures of me with cake. Or, this is the last one I could find. Check out those blue daisy dishes!!
So while I am pretty sure I won't have a Raggedy Ann birthday cake tomorrow, I will have a fun filled weekend with my hubby and son, good friends and family. Happy birthday to me!!!!